Domain-Name (Whois)

AnalogX WhoIs 1.07; 172 KB; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen

AnalogX WhoIs is a fast, free, small and robust client for whois information. This allows you to use alternate whois servers, launch your browser with the referenced domain name, resolve raw IP addresses, and more.

AnalogX WhoIs 1.07; 172 KB; WIN NT; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen

Cyber Kit 2.4a; Download. Entnommen bei  

CyberKit is a 32 bit application that combines Ping, TraceRoute, WhoIs, Finger, Quote of the Day, Name Server LookUp, Time Synchronizer, DBScanner, Check for New Mail and Keep Alive in one easy to use utility.

Domain Pro; 880 KB; Download. Entnommen bei  

Endlich einmal ein Programm, mit dem man auf einfache Art und Weise Domainnamen prüfen kann. Man erhält alle Informationen auf einen Blick, und das sogar sehr übersichtlich.

OZNIC Domain Search 1.5.106; Download. Entnommen bei  

This whois program allows you to check and see if domain names are available.

Sam Spade 1.10; 925 KB; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen 

Sam Spade is an integrated network query tool, including ping ns lookup, whois, ip block whois, dig, traceroute,finger, SMTP VRFY, and much more.

Search IP 2; Download. Entnommen bei  

SearchIP lets you search the Internet or Local Network for an IP number or Domain name.

Site Select 2000 1.0; 940 KB; WIN NT; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen

A great tool to find out if a domain you are looking into buying is available or not.Type one domain in to start with and Site Select 2000 will look for that one plus many more with slight alterations in the domain name to see if they are available to buy or not.

Universal Whois 1.03; 330 KB; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen 

If you have any sort of trouble or question about an Internet Domain, this program will be of use to you. It indicates if the domain actually exists, the people or organization behind it, their contact listings, and can be useful also for more advanced spam tracking.

Universal Whois 1.03; 330 KB; WIN NT; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen
WEB-Name-Finder 1.2; 1,8 MB; Download.

Automatisierte Abfrage von freien Domain-Namen.

Whois (Net Services) 1.03; Download. Entnommen bei  

Whois indicates if the domain actually exists, the people or organization behind it and often gives their alternative contact details.

Whois, Finger  and Host Utilities 1.03; Download. Entnommen bei  

These are three simple console Winsock 32-based Internet utilities written for Windows 95 and Windows NT.

WHOIS 2.CGI 1.0; Download. Entnommen bei  

Now you can offer an Internic Domain Name Lookup on your site.

Whois CA 1.2; Download. Entnommen bei  

WhoisCA is a whois utility for the whole .ca domain.

Whois Internic Lookup 1.0; Download. Entnommen bei  

Perl script that performs a search on the Internic Whois database.

WhoIs Not Lite 4.0 Build 812; 1,9 MB; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen 

WhoIsNot Lite is a domain name / directory search utility with a user friendly web-browser-like navigation window. Users can add new directory servers and even define rules on how to interpret their responses. It supposed multiple servers, log windows, it data cross references, balloon hints and more.

WhoIs Not Lite 4.0 Build 812; 1,9 MB; WIN NT; Download. Entnommen bei Universität Erlangen

Win Whois; 216 KB; Download. Entnommen bei  

Whois client to find out who the principals are behind a domain name.